Why a Day of Prayer?

It all started (and continues) with prayer.

When telling the history of Young Life, it’s tempting to start with Jim Rayburn. As the founder he is the preeminent figure, yes, but chronologically he comes a little later in the story.

Prior to Jim’s arrival in Gainesville, Texas, a group of elderly women led by Clara Frasier faithfully prayed for six years for God to reach the teenagers at Gainesville High School. Jim arrived in 1939, and when he later learned of the praying ladies, he joined them!

“I was there a year before I heard about that prayer meeting. I used to go over there with those five or six old ladies and get down on my knees with them after that club started to roll. That was the thing the Lord used to start it.”

Let’S face it, in Young Life we’re often drawn to those we see up front: the charismatic leader, the commanding speaker, the hilarious program team and the gifted musician. No doubt each is important and has a critical role to play. 

However, only the Lord knows how much has been accomplished in the lives of kids (and adults) over the last 80 plus years through the humble prayers of women and men who may never garner a spotlight.

So why a missionwide day of prayer? 

There are many reasons we could list of course, but let’s focus on this one: it’s a beautiful reminder. Prayer acknowledges we are not in control of this precious work He has entrusted to us. 

Our mission statement declares we’re all about “Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.” We can introduce and we can help but we know only the Father can draw a person to faith in Jesus (John 6:44) and bring about growth in their lives (1 Corinthians 3:6). 

That allows us to simply be faithful, and one of the best ways is through prayer. God delights when we come to Him — in praise of who He is, with thanksgiving for all He’s done, in repentance of our sins and to intercede for others and their needs.

In Young Life this means pleading on behalf of kids. Jim Rayburn once said:

‘If we don't pray for these kids, who's praying for them? We may be the only person in that child's life that breathes their name in prayer.’" 

What a privilege, what a joy, what an opportunity to praise the Father and breathe the names of kids up in prayer alongside our brothers and sisters scattered around the globe! Yes, we pray throughout the year, but for two days every year we can raise up our voices in unison to the One who invites us to approach His throne of grace with confidence.

The theme for this spring’s Day of Prayer is “Restore.” On March 1, may you sense great restoration personally and corporately as part of this wonderful worldwide calling. 

Young Life Day of Prayer Resources

Written by: Jeff Chesemore