"There was an idea... to bring together a group of remarkable people... to see if we could become something more."

The Avengers, "Infinity War"

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Why come to DALLAS for a LIVE WORKSHOP???

  1. With a new training center 25 minutes from two major airports, many staff can get in and out in one day.

  2. Getting in and out easily eliminates the cost of a hotel.  If you need a hotel, we’ve got affordable options for you.

  3. Experience training in a room full of people who have CHOSEN to attend and have paid a cost through time and money to be there.  It makes a difference!

  4. Get away from the distractions of your area and learn ONE skill, then go home and apply it.

  5. Make a pilgrimage to where Young Life started.  Leave with a new vision and skills.

  6. And as one staff put it, "That was easily the BEST TRAINING DAY I EVER HAD!"

Donor Communications/Story Workshop

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More on StoryBrand: Do you struggle to communicate effectively and clearly with donors?  Are your email blasts and newsletters being read or are they quickly trashed or deleted?  Last fall I attended author Donald Miller’s  (Blue Like Jazz) Storybrand Marketing conference in Nashville.  What I learned revolutionized how I communicated both Young Life and Young Life Access to donors and staff.  Over the last few months I’ve shared what I’ve learned in workshops with staff in Dallas, the Service Center, the Northwest Division, and the Development Department.

During this Dallas workshop, I’ll share how Miller’s unique framework for communications can help staff with their emails, newsletters, donor solicitation letters, social media, elevator pitches, and banquet talks.  Since our group will be small, you’ll have time to work with other staff on your own area’s “brandscript” which will serve as a framework for you future communications.  

What:  Donor Communications Workshop for Ministries and Non-Profits applying Donald Miller’s StoryBrand method.

Where:  Dallas - 16475 N Dallas Parkway - Bent Tree Tower I, Suite 340,  Addison, TX 75001

When - Contact us to schedule your workshop.

Who: Any non-profit, ministry, or Church that wants to clarify their communications.

Cost:  Determined by the size of the group. Contact laura@younglifeaccess.com for more information.

Hope to see you in Dallas!

For background on the Storybrand framework, watch the following video from Donald Miller: 

“Storybrand is essential.  The interesting aspect to this workshop is you don’t know how essential it is until you have been through this workshop.  I found myself rewriting and reworking much of my thinking to make sure that my story was getting out the right way and to the right people.   Well done!”  
Eric Scofield - Chief Development Officer


"The best training on marketing Young Life that I have gotten in 12 years (on staff), and my brain thinks about the branding aspect of YL more than most."

Dan Vander Woude - Young Life Ouachita Parish, Louisiana


"I didn't really know what I was in for when I was invited to attend this donor communications workshop in Dallas.   After Brian unpacked Donald Miller's Story Brand concept, I was floored!   In short order, we implemented Storybrand into a number of places locally…the night of our banquet, one-on-one meetings with investors, even a video we're currently putting together for the area!  It truly has made a unique, positive difference in how we communicate "the story" to the people of Lubbock!”
Glenn Austell - Senior Area Director, Lubbock, Texas


"Brian is able to take complex concepts and present them in a simple, compelling an succinct manner. He has done this with Storybrand training.  It is a timely reminder to the mission of Young Life and a key moment in our mission's history.  It’s a 'game changer' for any Young Life Area, Region, or Division. This training is time well spent." 
Ken Tankersley - Senior Vice President, Northwest Division


“We will never tell our area's Young Life story the same way again!  Time at this workshop and the teaching of the StoryBrand concept changed everything.”
Caitlin Carr - Associate Area Director, Young Life Lubbock


"I went last month and it was SOOO helpful. Total power-hour on how to simplify and clarify our message in a way that people who don't do Young Life every day can understand and feel empowered by. It totally changed the way I share Young Life with donors, potential leaders & committee, people in the community... everybody. Emphasis on SIMPLER, not something complicated you need to learn and spend brain power applying. Also it cut the time I spend on email & mailing publications in half, if not by more. It's worth every dollar and every hour spent (which isn't much of either). All 15 of us in the class left excited and energized... Get a spot while you still can." Annie Mays - Area Director, Young Life San Antonio


“This workshop provided a different perspective on how we can communicate with donors.  I get tunnel vision on one way of doing things, so I actually participated in the workshop twice.  It opened my mind to putting the donor as the focal point of the story, and I am continuing to rethink and tweek our communication pieces.”  
Becky Cullum - Development, Central Southern Division


“The workshop was extremely helpful in thinking about how we communicate in Young Life. And it actually makes a lot of sense! We’ve used the Storybrand style at our banquet, with committee and with leader training.”
Jason Archer - Area Director - Wichita Falls


“Thanks for exposing me to the Storybrand methodology this week. The timing was perfect and I am already trying to modify my communications!”
Al Jackson, Young Life Director of Field Informations Systems


“Storybrand has really helped us in the Grants and Foundation office approach the narrative material we write for foundations differently. Thanks again for sharing this resource!”
Travis Johnson - Grant Writer - Young Life Grants and Foundations Relations