November 2019 Global Discipleship



Do you remember how you spent your afternoons after school? They might have included sports, homework, or playing with friends. Today’s teens now have a glowing mobile device vying for their time and it can affect how they are interacting with the world. Can we, as adults, help teens go deeper with God when they’re not at school, rather than go deeper into the black hole of their smartphone? Can we use this strategic time between end-of-school and end-of-day to go deeper with teens instead? 

Barna did a study on how kids are spending their time after school and how what implications that might mean as they grow older. “We owe them, at the very minimum, early years of real, embodied, difficult, rewarding learning, the kind that screens cannot provide. And that is why a family that cares about developing wisdom and courage will exert every effort to avoid the thin simplicity of screens in the first years of life.”

Read the full article HERE.