
The following article is written by YOU.  Hundreds of YOU from around the US and around the Globe. We curated the answers from all the responses last month’s (August 2020 5.4 Friday) email and identified the following ‘buckets’ of ideas on how to continue to foster a training, discipleship, and missional community among your leadership team in the midst of a disrupted school semester.  Bottom line:  Comply with Young Life, State, and local CDC guidelines but continue to find a way to develop volunteers and reach kids. Below is the question we asked and some of the best, creative answers.  (*denotes the answer was given several times!)

The results are in. Here was the QUESTION:  Aside from zoom calls, what is one creative way you are ENGAGING VOLUNTEER LEADERS and helping to foster leadership development this fall?


*****Taking my dog on a WALK WITH A LEADER

*******Meeting for OUTDOOR WORSHIP

*****AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING at a local church

********CALLING EACH AND EVERYONE. Listening to their good things and bad things and in between things.

*******Lots and LOTS OF WALKS! One walk with a leader a day! 

***Leadership MOVIE NIGHTs that related to ministry

*********Instilling an Acts 2:42-47 vision in our time together, and going through MULTIPLE BOOKS together.

*****We're doing a PRAYER AND PRAISE wall with hand cut outs at our fall kickoff

*****gathering, walking, playing and praying in OUTDOOR SPACES!!

****Study Groups, Study PODS, Tutoring 

******Team dinners with our MISSION COMMUNITY to foster a Total-Area community culture!

*LEADER FLOAT TRIP ON INNER TUBES on a local river next month. Colder weather?  Meet in small groups.

*****Giving them WEEKLY TASKS/GOALS to accomplish.

******LEADER BOOK CLUB, Prayer Partners, Double Dates to do Contact work with teen mom and baby

*****PRAYER WALKS  AROUND THE SCHOOLS at our leadership training day

*********DINNER & GAME NIGHTS, going through the principles laid out in the book Margin

***We BOUGHT EVERY LEADER TWO LAWN CHAIRS to keep in their car. Being a leader this year is going to mean showing up to kids' world (their drive way even) pulling out some chairs, and sitting down to talk about life, faith, and hope in Christ. 

Thanks EVERYONE for your simple, practical and helpful input!  These ideas work in almost every context.  Gather your team, take a moment, and choose a few ideas and start in your context.  Take a walk, talk, and watch lives change.  Go on a walk with a purpose! 

-Written by 127 Staff around the Globe.