Discipleship Drop-In Convos

Discipleship Drop-In Convo #1: THIS IS THE WAY  

  • Learn about how the cycle of new birth and the ongoing cycle of new life is engaged in our unique Young Life/parachurch context.

  • Dive into our discipleship model, HEAD-HEART-HANDS, that envisions a life of whole discipleship, forming us into people who love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Preview a helpful model for creating a personalized discipleship plan for your students.

Discipleship Drop-In Convo #2: THIS IS THE WORD

  • Envision scripture as the centerpeice of a life of deep discipleship.

  • Learn about 12 engaging ways to read, reflect on, learn from, and listen to scripture - both for your own life of discipleship and for the discipling that happens in your ministry.

  • Dive into three practice rounds of reading scripture in fresh ways.

Discipleship Drop-In Convo #3: THIS IS THE WHAT

  • Overview the basics of discipling in a small group or one-on-one setting, including the purpose (lifelong discipleship), the planning (semester or yearlong mapping strategy), and the preparation (weekly/biweekly readiness).

  • Learn about crafting good questions, leading fruitful conversations, listening with a keen ear, responding with wise words, reading with open hearts, and more.

  • Consider some tips on creating specific content (or adapting existing resources) for your unique ministry setting.

Each Drop-In Convo will be 60 minutes long (optional Q/A following) and will include downloadable resources.

All Drop-In Convos will begin at noon ET, 11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9:00 am PT.

Drop-In Convo #1 will be offered Tuesday August 24 and Tuesday September 7.

Drop-In Convo #2 will be offered Wednesday August 25 and Tuesday September 14.

Drop-In Convo #3 will be offered Thursday August 26 and Tuesday September 21.

Register for any of the August Drop-In Convos here.  (https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsceutqDsqG9aihgLXVf6shLnrRcm4LEgn)

Register for any of the September Drop-In Convos here.  (https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEoc-yqqD8tGt0CtNteW9MMWg8hAjyZMAPb)