A Good Testimony

In my 29 years on Staff and more recently working with hundreds of students for their Work Crew or Banquet Testimonies.

One phrase I hear too often, “I don’t have a 'Good Testimony.’” That phrase just kills me.

Watch this 2 minute video to encourage you and yours to rethink how we might see our Testimony as God sees it.


Feel free to reach out to Kent personally at (971) 506-5368 or Kent@1161.younglife.org if you are interested in more help.

Part two of a “Good Testimony” helps us remember what we are celebrating in a testimony in the first place.

Where should we place our focus? Who stands in the spotlight?

Also, it gives us three quick steps to rethink how to put our thoughts together around sharing what Jesus has done in us.

Don’t let yourself fall into the trap that more sin equals a better testimony.

Feel free to reach out to Kent personally at (971) 506-5368 or Kent@1161.younglife.org if you are interested in more help.