0-100 in 2.5 Days 

That's the speed that relationships can do on a shared adventure. A weekend trip is a perfect opportunity for shared adventure and deeper relationship! 

In Young Life, we have a camping culture! I'm not sure anyone would disagree with that. We have some of the most amazing properties in the US, and Canada (thanks, Malibu!) We have the opportunity to spend time with our friends in incredible places doing crazy things. The question you should be asking yourself is, WHY? Why do we do camping (shared adventures) with our College, High School, and Jr High friends? 

This question is crucial! Most of us know understanding the “why” is usually more important than figuring out the “What” and that is no different here. So, for clarification's sake, let’s name the “why’s.” First, we do shared adventures to take students out of their element so that distractions are limited, focus is increased and THE GOSPEL is shared. 

Giving away the Good News is the reason we take students away! It's what we do! It’s who we are, both as believers and within the mission of Young Life. 

The second “why” is too fast forward relationships. After all, we are in the relationship business, right? If you are older than 50 you may remember the famous Seinfeld episode where Jerry asks his current girlfriend to go away for the weekend. In a conversation with George, “one weekend away is the equivalent to 50 dates.” It’s true. One weekend or week away with students will bring everyone together in a way that you just can’t do at a weekly Young Life club. You come back with inside jokes, fun stories, road trip memories, and having, hopefully, built meaningful relationships. 

In two and half days you can bring a friendship to the point of real honesty and get to process the gospel in a way that would be hard to do otherwise. 

So all that being said, I do have a top-eight tips for shared adventures that you should consider moving into the school year. Are you ready?

#8 - Let students lead and give you “leaders” the inside track. One of the benefits of doing shared adventure is to lean into our campaigner students and let them lead. They can lead in a number of ways, share their story, serve, plan, and drive (if you do college), but whatever it is, let them help! It’s the journey, not the destination 

#7 - Much like Club is organized craziness, any shared adventure should include “planned nothingness.” That’s right, most good stuff happens in the times in between the planned stuff! 

#6 - Prioritize food! Food is not a throwaway deal. If you are at camp it's somewhat easy, but you should still plan the snacks and other things you get to do. A good meal goes a long way in creating an atmosphere. 
#5 - Plan the unexpected. Shared adventure should include a pretty good schedule, but should also allow for “flying the seat of our pants.” One or two things where the group gets to decide will bring folks together.

#4 - Mandate some downtime! Just like after the Cross Talk at camp, forcing students to turn off and be still might be the best gift you give them. It can be an hour floating in a boat or sitting on the beach. It does not matter, just make them be alone with themselves. 

#3 Plan your year NOW! A fall weekend or getaway, a spring break trip or team time, and something in the summer should be on your calendar in August! You are talking about the next trip as you finish the first one! Nothing should sneak up on us! 

#2 Plan the content well! Remember the first “why” we do this to share the gospel, so make sure you do it. It might be awkward and you will have to lead but DO IT! We do this to let folks know how much they are loved by a God who created them! 

#1 DO IT! Don’t make excuses, don’t bail. Make sure YOU go on the trip with them! There is no substitute for being WITH folks. Don’t miss out. 

Go on an adventure with your folks, you won’t regret it. 

Written by: John C. Byard, Young Life College