-How the ‘Grad Campaign’ became a Game Changer-

Each year, US Regions partner with the Alumni & Friends office to lead the  HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE CAMPAIGN.  The goal of the Campaign is to stay connected to those finishing high school and transitioning to the next chapter of their life. Whether it be college or the military,  gap year or the workforce, we want to honor the long-term relationship with these students. Over the last 3 years, we have successfully handed off over 60,000 graduates and currently have over 10,000 of those grads connected to the local Young Life community in their new location! 

It all starts with one YL Leader or staff having the vision for a lifelong relationship.  When done well,  It is a gamechanger for:

  • Long-term relationships. 

  • Continued Discipleship. 

  • Volunteer leader pipeline.

  • Young Life College health and growth.

  • Summer Staff growth. 

Some testimonials/best practices from individuals who have advocated this effort are below: 

“As an area director who is sending off college freshmen from our high school clubs every year, and meeting college freshmen as they walk onto one of the three campuses in our city - the importance of the HS Grad Campaign cannot be exaggerated.” - Alyssa Beaubien, AD Tallahassee, FL. We would never want our prayers and pursuits of kids to stop once they graduate high school.

“We don't employ any earth-shattering strategies other than we really emphasize communication. We clearly and consistently talk about the importance of the HS Grad Campaign and getting students plugged in. It's modeled as a priority in our region which has helped to "bake" it into the culture and build YL College and community.”...the High School Grad Campaign as vital as anything we do in the mission.” - Kimie Chilcoat, Regional Administrator 

“It is a little bit of extra work to ask staff to do, but in our experience, asking staff to figure out where their students are going next is a net positive for their ministry.  Maybe they learn that a student is actually planning on staying in the area, or a large number of students are going to the same local community college. That can be the way to starting a Bible study or fostering leadership on campus! Numbers do tell a story, and having the numbers in front of you of where students are going can only be helpful.” - Luke Waltermire, Young Life College Director.

Sometimes it is just a simple discipline.  (4 steps) 

  1. Area Director/Leader/YL Committee member  asks  students  “What are you doing after graduation?”

  2. Their information is put into the Grad program.

  3. If they move into a new community, the local YL staff reaches out to them. 

  4. Oftentimes, by the end of the next year, the students had been placed as leaders!

Sometimes we even see a ripple effect. “We have had many kids head off to Division 3 schools to do sports. One of our students left for a college where there was no YL to play sports. Due to lack of community they transferred to a YL College (Due to HS Campaign information) and ended up quitting the sport he was playing and becoming a solid YL leader. He is one of our best leaders and just recently graduated and became a teacher and is now leading YL at that school and teaching and making an impact for the Kingdom- many ripple effects!” - Kimie Chilcoat

If you are looking for a game changer for your local YL- this is it!. The HS Grad Campaign gives our graduates a place to land. It gives them a person who is praying for their arrival, excited to meet them, and willing to pursue them before they have even met face to face.  When done well, it is a beautiful handoff!  Most importantly they will get to experience post high school life knowing they were not made to do life alone. A seamless ‘handoff’ will impact the student and the ministry for years to come!

-Kelianne Gros Louis