This year marks my 33rd year on Young Life staff! The memories, laughter, challenges and transformation that I have witnessed are some of the great blessings of my life. That being said, this week I was asked a question that stumped me. A good question can do that, and this one, perhaps, we should all answer. It was simple, straightforward, and considering all that we are navigating as a mission, it was good for me to stop, pause, and then respond.

QUESTION: “KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW NOW, WOULD YOU COME ON YOUNG LIFE STAFF IN 2024?” Immediately, I noted the challenges of the past few years. 

  • A Global Pandemic

  • Racial tension

  • Political unrest / fiscal uncertainty

  • # Movements

  • Climate change, floods and wildfires

  • Adolescent Bullying, Depression,Self Harm

  • Cultural shifts regarding sexuality and LGBTQ+ 

  • “Rising inflation”; “Food supply crisis” and “Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure

Then I thought about my first few years leading a YL Area. Here were the challenges then: 

  • The Gulf War begins in the Middle East

  • The World Wide Web debuted

  • H5N1 influenza pandemic threat

  • The Cold War ended / USSR dissolved

  • 1990 - 1,000,000 Cell phones / 1991 - 8,000,000

  • Adolescent Bullying, Depression, Self Harm

  • LA riots in response to the Rodney King beating

  • Hurricane Andrew in the Southeastern US

  • Bill Clinton replaced George Bush as President

It’s true, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” It seems like every year is ‘unprecedented’ in the challenges they present. Then I had my answer. “YES, I WOULD COME ON YL STAFF TODAY! WHERE WOULD I RATHER BE?.” Jesus seemed to always embrace ‘messy.’ He entered tough rooms, hard conversations and complex situations armed with good questions. The Gospel message itself is disruptive and believers are charged with sharing that message while being comfortable in the mess. Listening well, and being present is at the core of our ‘calling’ and what YL leaders, staff and Committee are made for! Simply, this is when Ministers, minister! 

Frederick Buechner said it best:

“The first ministers were the twelve disciples. There is no evidence that Jesus chose them because they were brighter or nicer than other people...Their sole qualification seems to have been their intentional willingness to rise to their feet when Jesus said, “Follow me.” When Jesus sent the twelve out into the world, his instructions were simple. He told them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal (Luke (9:2), with the implication that to do either right was in effect to do both. Fortunately for the world in general and the church in particular, the ability to do them is not dependent on either moral character or I.Q. To do them in the name of Christ is to be a minister. “  -Wishful Thinking, Buechner

Maybe it is true, ‘The best Young Life is yet to be done,’ and maybe it is going to happen during this season, if we take this semester to focus, reset, simplify and preach the gospel and provide healing. Why don’t we (Staff, Volunteers, and Committee) do three things-

  1. Enter the mess that is the adolescent world with the MESSAGE of the Gospel. 

  2. Ask good QUESTIONS.

  3. Listen, then respond and watch the HEALING begin. 

Those three steps make me hopeful. The world needs a community of believers that lean toward hope right now. I am ready for 2024 and I don’t want to miss the opportunity in 2023. The question may be complex but the answer may be simple. 

 -Ken B. Tank.