
Thanks to a generous gift from the Young Life store and an anonymous donor, Young Life Discipleship will once again give a devotional book to everyone serving at our summer camps. This year’s book is titled Jesus the Glorious Son of God: Learning the Gospel According to John. It walks through the entire book of John, paying close attention to what it reveals about Jesus and what it teaches those who follow him. This year’s devo follows the 2023 book, Jesus the Suffering Servant: Learning the Gospel According to Mark. The 2025 and 2026 devo books will focus on Matthew and Luke.

The main goal of the summer devo is to provide Biblical discipleship resources for our volunteer work crew (high school age) and summer staff (college age), and to create multiple opportunities for reflection and discussion both among themselves and with the adults they work alongside. Our Capernaum staff have adapted the devo for our friends with disabilities who will be serving on summer staff.

The book is also available on Amazon so that leaders and staff back home in their local areas can go through the same content as their work crew and summer staff friends, and then process it together once they return home. We believe deeper understanding and faithfulness will happen not just at camp but also after camp with ongoing conversations and reflection.

You can see a PDF version of the devo at this page, along with a more detailed vision statement and leader’s guide:

You can purchase a copy of Jesus the Glorious Son of God on Amazon for just $4.99 (Or get the Capernaum Version here)

For questions about the summer camp devo vision, development, or content, email