(Alex is the 2nd from the right in the picture above with several of his YL guys)
Venture capitalists look for big ROI’s (Return On Investment). Financial planners offer strategies to lead to healthy growing portfolios. We all like to know that our relationships matter. I have alway been struck by the value that you receive by investing in local Young Life. The number of volunteer leaders, investing countless hours with students, engaging, connecting and discipling. It's hard to put a price on something so priceless.
There is one ‘product’ of the YL mission that is not hard to count. Consider how $2.50 (the cost of one Bible for a student at Young Life summer camp this summer) can make a huge impact in the lives of young people today, AND lead to ongoing impact for years to come.
Alex, an Area Director in South Carolina, was thrilled for Matthew who had come alive in Christ at Carolina Point. Alex had the honor and privilege to present a Bible to Matthew at camp that summer. Even though this happens hundreds of times at Young Life camps all across the U.S., Alex was thrilled to give Matthew his first Bible. As a junior, Matthew had the potential to make a significant impact on his school in the coming year and Alex knew it was critical to help Matthew begin to read the Bible.
As the school year began that August, Matthew began praying for Peyton, a freshman at his high school. He wanted Peyton to know Jesus personally, and experience His life and love. Each week….
Matthew invited Peyton to club
picked him up, and
drove him home
A few months later, Matthew invited Peyton to summer camp at Windy Gap. Peyton was a little unsure because he had sport conditioning workouts and other summer commitments. With faithfulness, courage and persistence Matthew asked Peyton’s mom about Windy Gap and told her, “He needs to come.” Matthew promised it would be the best week ever. Peyton decided to go! Prayers answered.
They arrived at camp and as the week went on Peyton was having the time of his life but wasn’t so sure about the whole “Jesus thing.” He had doubts and questions and didn’t know where to begin. Matthew became a little disheartened but kept praying. At the end of the week, several YL leaders shared their own story of faith and Matthew noticed that Peyton had tears in his eyes. As they talked Peyton confessed, “I want to meet this Jesus that everyone talks about.”
Matthew prayed with Peyton in the club room that day to begin his relationship with Jesus. Now it was Matthew’s turn to give a Bible to his young friend.
Today, Alex is still on Young Life staff and Matthew has also joined the Young Life staff. After graduating high school, Peyton joined the Marines and has continued in his faith.
The gift of a Bible has the potential for a ripple effect of eternal proportions. Alex experienced the joy that Young Life leaders and staff pray for - the joy of sharing God’s Word with their young friends. For Alex, the joy was magnified as he witnessed Matthew grow in his faith through investing his life in Peyton’s. The ripple effect may be more accurately termed a seismic impact. Alex giving Matthew a Bible changed Matthew’s life and Peyton’s life for eternity.
Would you consider how you might play an active part in starting ripple effects that result in seismic impact? Click below to contribute to help raise the remaining $86,000 for Bibles to distribute at U.S. Young Life camps this summer! For those who give over $1000, we will send a copy of this summer's Young Life Summer Devotional. EVERY GIFT RECEIVED BETWEEN JUNE 20, 2024 - JUNE 21, 2024 WILL BE MATCHED UP TO $10,000!