Get To You Know Club Beyond

Did you know?

Young Life Military has been walking alongside military teens since 1959. Jim Rayburn saw the need for ministry to military teens and said, “There are eleven Air Force high schools in Germany alone! These kids are as American as Chicago—football and basketball league games, the works. And these kids are stranded. If we don’t go after them, no one will.” In 1980 Military Community Youth Ministries (MCYM) was established and Young Life has staffed ministry outreach to military teens through MCYM ever since. The name coined by our military teens for the ministry is “Club Beyond” and we are known by that around the world. There are over 500,000 teenagers who have a parent or guardian serving in the U.S. Military.

Military teens can easily be overlooked as they move frequently (six to nine times in their school-aged years). They often are even moving around the world. And many go to school “inside the gate” of a military installation and are not accessible to the general public. Club Beyond staff and leaders have access to military teens and seek them out. In order to have installation access, we have signed agreements with military chaplains and commanders to be on base and provide programs and mentorship for these teens. We currently have more permission than we have staff. The military wants Club Beyond and we pray for called staff to invest in military teens lives. If you, or someone you know, wants more information about coming on staff, email

Why is Club Beyond so important? Staff, chaplains, parents and teens answer that question in this video. 

How much do you know about Club Beyond? Test your knowledge here.

Want to know more about Club Beyond and how you can get involved? Contact Marty McCarty at