(Remembering and celebrating the life of Bob Mitchell) 

A mononymous person is an individual who is known and addressed by a single name.  Famously, celebrities and historical figures like  Adele, Plato, Beyoncé, Shaq, Drake, Socrates and Prince tend to earn the moniker.  In Young Life, there are few in our history distinguished by a mononym. ‘Mitch.’ (Bob Mitchell) is at the top of the list. Mitch died on May 19, 2021 and his passing leaves a profound hole in the mission. A short bio of Mitch’s life of faith and ministry with YL can be found on page 11 of Relationships magazine HERE. It has been well documented; Bob Mitchell had done it all!!

  • From Club Kid to Young Life President

  • High School Work Crew, to creator of the Young Life Training Department

  • Legendary Program Director, to compelling Camp Speaker, 

  • Disciple of Jim Rayburn, to model-of-faith to the entire mission. 

I have had the privilege to live a short drive from Bob and Claudia Mitchell for the last several years.  Although being that close to one of the legendary couples of the YL mission should have been enough, I wanted more. I just knew that good things would happen if I could keep them both around, so our staff created an honorary role for them: CHAPLAIN. No compensation, business cards, or vehicle lease-just an offer for consistent access and interaction with our staff. What a gift that season was to us!

A chaplain in the military has a specific role of presence with a wide berth in how it looks day to day. 

CHAPLAIN DEFINITION:   The Chaplain's responsibilities include performing religious rites, conducting worship services, providing confidential counseling and advising commanders on religious, spiritual and moral matters. Chaplains are commissioned officers stationed wherever there are military members, including challenging environments in conflict.

In summary, a chaplain stays around. That is exactly what I wanted Mitch to do.  Mitch knew better than anyone I know what the YL staff person's day to day life looks like. He defined it and had lived it better than most so he became much more than a chaplain. In our lives, he ultimately embraced many titles.  

Here are a few:

SAGE:  (A mature and venerable person of sound judgement.)  

Mitch served in practically every role in the YL mission. When he spoke, the wisdom rested gently on the listener and they were changed. His words carried weight.  

HISTORIAN: (A person who studies or writes about the past with authority)  

Mitch was the YL archivist in any room he entered and a gift to any gathering. If Mitch arrived, you would gladly relinquish the mic and just let him speak. You would never tire of the same selection of tales from the early years because he spoke to the WHY of the WHAT. When you left, you were reminded of what really mattered.  

PROPHET:  (One gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight.)  

Mitch had confidence about the Lord’s movement and spoke with conviction.  He moved us with nuance through challenging waters culturally and theologically.  He spoke truth with grace.  (A lost art)

PASTOR: (A spiritual overseer)  

Mitch was one of the great encouragers and connectors to the core of the mission. He ALWAYS brought conversations back to Jesus and you left refreshed and ready.  Nothing better.

ICON:  (A person widely admired for having great influence or significance in a particular sphere.)  

The fact that we still roll in laughter performing the sketches that started with Mitch or giving our own spin on the illustrations and insights to scripture that had their beginning with him speaks to the wisdom, longevity and staying power of his gifting.  

MENTOR: (A trusted counselor or guide.) Mitch was unencumbered. He had given much of his life to being a pastor and YL staffer but in this volunteer role, he could give simple, clear and unbiased counsel. He was honest, direct, and humble. A triple threat in a mentor. 

MODEL:  (An example for imitation)  I still strive to be a missionary like Mitch. I want to have an unwavering heart for the lost. I want to emulate his quick wit, humor, and timing. Paint a picture and tell a tale with words like he did, but most of all, I want to exude a familiarity with Christ that’s intimate. Nothing is more attractive. 

Maybe that's the way you get assigned a mononym. You are given one name because you really have earned several. Jesus had dozens of titles like Savior, Redeemer, Bread of LIfe, Teacher, and Lord to name a few so that is why IMMANUEL (God with Us) summed them all up. It seems fitting and makes sense.

Mitch, our Chaplain, earned many titles just by staying around. Ultimately, to us, he became …the PHYSICAL representation of the VISIBLE expression, of the INVISIBLE God …and that is why we will miss him so much! Many of the original ‘Club Kids’ are gone now, but we all have a corner of the world where God has called us to be present. 

Thanks Mitch, for being with us! (Mitch’s celebration of life occurred this past month. Give yourself a gift and watch it HERE.  It is available for a few more days.)

Written By: Ken B Tank. and thousands of YL Staff over the years