Use your PET PEEVES for good

Pet peeves are minor annoyances tied to a situation, a person, or a system. Listed below are some examples. Check all that qualify as a pet peeve for YOU:

Although pet peeves can start as frustrations, they can easily turn into a motivation. Having pet peeves means you have an opinion and you probably have thoughts about a potential solution too!! Bottom line:  pet peeves are small irritations that if addressed can lead to a significant positive effect. If directed appropriately, a solution to a pet peeve can bring about change. There is a simple progression that leads to change within a group or organization when pet peeves lead to pet passions and ultimately to pet projects.  

PET PEEVES:  An observation or annoyance that makes you say “We have to FIX this!” 

PET PASSIONS: A strong interest that you feel a strong attachment toward that makes you say “I need to DO this!” 

PET PROJECTS:  A cultural tweak, theory, or adjustment that makes you say “You need to SEE this!” 

(The 3 P’s) Peeves, Passions, and Projects are the little things that wake you up in the morning and keep you up at night. The common thread through each of them is that they represent small problems that are fixable! The answer is NOT a new program or initiative, but rather a pivot or tweak. 

Here are a few ways that some Young Life staff took a frustration (challenge) and created a simple tweak that improved things and reshaped the mission.  

  • Q. How do we think strategically about outreach and discipleship?  A. MAP/TREE/LIST AND 3-12-72

  • Q. How do we build a culture of Contact Work?  A. CONTACT WORK JOURNALS AND CONSISTENT ACCOUNTABILITY

  • Q. How can we increase volunteerism with the ‘right’ people?  A. +1 PILOT COHORT

  • Q. How do we foster community, accountability, and encouragement in our personal devotional life?  A. THRED JOURNALS 

  • Q. What is a way we can align discipleship experience for all of those serving at camp?  A. SUMMER STAFF AND WC DEVOTIONAL 

  • Q. How can we compete with corporate summer Intern programs?  A. SUMMER STAFF qualifies as SUMMER INTERNSHIP 

  • Q. How do you highlight the Committee Chair /Area Director relationship?  A. WEEKLY CC/AD FACE TO FACE MEETING

  • Q. How can you engage 25-35 year olds in your community?  A. YO PRO JUNIOR BOARDS 

  • Q. How do we create a rite-of-passage experience?  A. ADVENTURE CAMPING

Here are 3 simple steps to move from a frustration to a solution in your YL area. Think about a frustration/challenge that you have tried to address in the past or a current issue you are working on now.  

It takes years to affect culture but often-times the smallest adjustment has the greatest impact over time. I would love to hear tweaks you are making in your context and how it is going. Let me know what you are learning.    Written by: Tank